Sometimes we need a nice cup of coffee to start the day. Other times, we like to grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy the day. Today we are taking a look at one delicious coffee that is perfect for any situation! At Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory, located at Disney’s Port Orleans French Quarter Resort, guests will find a wonderful selection of food and drink options.
One of those options is the Chicory Coffee. Chicory Coffee is the common New Orleans-style coffee which combines freshly roasted coffee with a coffee substitute derived from the roasted root of the chicory plant. The addition of Chicory brings a unique and distinct flavor profile to the coffee.
Each sip has a bold flavor but doesn’t come with a strong bitter taste typically found in coffee. The standard Chicory Coffee from Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory comes without cream and sugar (though you can add it yourself). You might decide to ditch it all together after tasting the rich flavor from this coffee!
If you’re looking for one wonderful cup of coffee, head on over to Disney’s Port Orleans French Quarter Resort to get your hands on this tasty Chicory Coffee.
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